Merapi tool to how to format manual
Merapi tool to how to format manual
Merapi tool to how to format manual ???
hi bro, need more information of your mobile? where is problem? Better post screen short if you get problem.
As I know auto format is best if possible.
Read info-->that takes mobile flash size info etc
Format--> it remember the address from read info and clear unwanted size.
Volcano Android Tool has also manual formatting.
We have to understand that Volcano is Merapi and Merapi is Volcano.
Hope all clear.
Dipendra Pathak
As I know auto format is best if possible.
Read info-->that takes mobile flash size info etc
Format--> it remember the address from read info and clear unwanted size.
Volcano Android Tool has also manual formatting.
We have to understand that Volcano is Merapi and Merapi is Volcano.
Hope all clear.
Dipendra Pathak
You can format manually any MTK phone throw AndroidMtk tool.

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