Nokia 110 charging not supported problem ways test 100% ok
Nokia 110 charging not supported problem ways test 100% ok
Today a man come to me for repairing his nokia 110 phone.His phones was water damage.I receive his phone then I open his phone and full wash next hot with Stan light more than 10 minute.Next I check phone phone is ok but when Check charging then showing massage on his phones screen " not supported solution"
Then I try to fiend out problem after ten minute I fiend problem.Then I successfully repair it now I share that solution.
Today a man come to me for repairing his nokia 110 phone.His phones was water damage.I receive his phone then I open his phone and full wash next hot with Stan light more than 10 minute.Next I check phone phone is ok but when Check charging then showing massage on his phones screen " not supported solution"
Then I try to fiend out problem after ten minute I fiend problem.Then I successfully repair it now I share that solution.

How to do this: Check middle pin of battery connector that mins
bsi line how many resistance If you see resistance is abnormal
between normal phone then just this two parts this is a one capacitor
and one resistor.
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